hi, I am an indie game developer. I create photorealistic games and big games like GTA. currently I am working on making better graphics and making game for others. one of my best games :-
1. MFPS (downloadable) - I used assets but tried my best for making better graphics, the game is a online multiplayer game that has TDM (team death match) and many other mods. it also has a very complex AI. that makes it difficult for a player to kill a single enemy AI.
2. GTA (soon will be downloadable due to copyright) - the game is complete look of original GTA games. there is a large open world environment. car AI, player character, shops, guns, pedestrians, mission system, traffic. means a complete look of GTA.
3. AMONG US 3D (due to copyright of original the game is not downloadable) - a complete among us game but everything is in 3D and great graphics.
I have a YouTube channel for tutorial based on game Dev and showcase my upcoming games - https://youtube.com/c/MakePorium